Trigg bushland tuart friends
What's blooming....

We had a good turnout for the Easter walk, with a couple of kids coming along to sharpen their eyesight for Easter egg hunts the following day.

Trigg bushland
dave leads the group walk











As usual David led, with resident teachers Phylis and Barbara as well as geologist Peter coming in handy to answer questions.

While the adults inspected the fire damage along the West Coast Highway, which is seeing some slight regrowth, the sharp-eyed kids spotting the following interesting things:

Spotting grasshoppers

- two different kinds of grasshopper, one a deep red that you'd expect to see in the Pilbara, not Perth,

- a fossilised tree root, identified by Peter, and possibly brought to that location with limestone road base used to make the path,

- the largest quondong seeds ever seen, as well as fresh new buds and blossoms getting ready for next year's crop - as Phylis says, well prepared in advance,

Logania vaginalis









Burchardia congesta




- a very large and beautiful wasp, as well as a bee wasp,

- new fuzzy leaves that protect new growth from caterpillars, while the big, leathery leaves don't need fuzz to protect them, and

- millions of snail shells lying on the sand after the fire - looks like snail shells don't burn!


Templetonia retusa
Quandong blossom and seed

Right above: wasp

right below: examining a fossilised plant root



Hibbertia hypericoides

A very relaxing walk was enjoyed by all. Many thanks to Dave and our other experts for coming along to show young and old alike the bushland and answer so many questions!

N McLaren




Website development funded by a Department of Environment and Conservation Community Grant for Tuart Conservation and Management. Text and images copyright Friends of Trigg Bushland Inc except as otherwise noted. Website design by Nina McLaren and Peter Peacock 2008